Catholic Social Teaching and the Problem of Children Soldiers
Our social justice topic focuses upon the issue of child soldiers. In areas such as Africa, the Middle East, and Asia children are utilized to bolster the fighting power of numerous non governmental conflict groups and even state-run governments in order to gain power and money. In this process children are exposed and forced into to violent, life-altering situations that only create an endless cycle for the problem to continue to occur.
Catholic Social Teaching #1- Life and Dignity of the Human Person
The key points of the first Catholic Social Teaching are that every human life is special, and that people are more important than objects. We are all created in the the image of God, and as such we should give each other that respect in life that we all deserve. This Catholic Social Teaching relates to our social justice topic, because when children are forced to commit violent crimes, they are deprived of the quality of life that we all deserve, a quality of life where one isn't forced into any situation and can make their own decisions. Additionally, our topic relates to Catholic Social Teaching #1 because when children are forced to fight battles, they are obviously forced as well to take the lives of others. These experiences often scar children for life, and their actions subsequently deprive others of their lives.
-written by Dom Nava
Catholic Social Teaching #2 - Call to Family, Community, and Participation
The keys points of the second Catholic Social Teaching is that the family is the fundamental unit in society and instrumental in the healthy psychological and emotional human growth. Furthermore individuals have a responsibility to help their community and participate. This CST relates to out topic because military organizations take children from families to use in war - destroying the "sacred" (McKenna 42) family unit. By removing children from the stable environment of the family, military groups damage the emotional development of children.
- written by Eric Malekos
"Fighting Styles That Will Probably Get Your Ass Kicked | Gunaxin Humor." Gunaxin Humor | Stuff for Guys | Sports, Girls, Humor, Media, Gadgets and Beer. Web. 17 Mar. 2010. .
"COALITION Films" - Projects: In Development." COALITION Films" - Official Website: Transform Audience Now. Web. 17 Mar. 2010. .
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