Action Reflection; Prepared by Eric Malekos

For my action I chose to do a poster.  The social justice issue my group was addressing – the use of children in war – is a topic that can evoke a lot of emotion and empathy especially through imagery.  For this reason it seemed that the most effective way to bring attention to this injustice was a visual representation. 
            Through my action I hoped to bring attention of the injustice of child warfare to the Serra community.  My posters were very colorful and stood out more than most, so as an attention-grabbing tool they were relatively effective.  I felt I was successful in presenting a poster that drew people in, and directed them towards a credible website for further information.
            This project has been very effective at getting me to understand an issue that I had basically no knowledge of beforehand.  This project has made me reassess the ability that an individual or small group can have on social justice issue. While it is obvious that no single person can solve an issue of this magnitude by himself or herself, they can certainly have an impact on the mindset of the people around them.