Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eric Malekos

Dominic Nava

Anthony Richardson

c/o Serra High School

451 West 20th Avenue,

San Mateo, CA 94403

April 27, 2010

Dr. Lynn Ponton

201 Edgewood Avenue

San Francisco, CA, 94117

Dear Dr. Ponton:

Thank you for talking to us about child soldiers. We realize that you are very busy, and took time out to help us understand the ramifications of forcing children to fight in war. We were nervous about talking to you beforehand, but your kind and receptive demeanor made us very comfortable. You helped us understand why child soldiers are used so often, and how Stockholm syndrome often results in children identifying with their abductors.

The most interesting thing we learned about was the youth villages. It was remarkable to learn that in Israel child soldiers are placed in isolated communities where they can be rehabilitated and introduced into society. This sounds like a very good step in teaching children how to act in a stable environment.


Eric Malekos, Dominic Nava, & Anthony Richardson

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